Everything You Need to Know About MiraDry

Do those embarrassing sweat stains, piss you off? Do you want to get rid of them? Imagine a life of being free from such situations, where you do not have to think about the embarrassment and discomfort caused by excessive sweating. Well, this can be true, with a treatment called MiraDry. It is a treatment being used on a wide scale to treat Hyperhidrosis (a condition where a person sweat excessively) permanently. Miradry for sweat reduction is a safe, simple and non-invasive cosmetic treatment that targets underarm sweat glands, to eliminate the underarm sweat permanently.

Well, we know that the idea of sweat-free underarm is tempting, but you still need to figure out certain facts about the treatment and the medical condition, to be very confident about your decision. Let us first understand what Hyperhidrosis is.

What is Hyperhidrosis?

A person suffering from Hyperhidrosis sweats more than normal to regulate the internal temperature of the body. Reports by the American Academy of Dermatology, about 3% of people are suffering from hyperhidrosis. However, the stats can be higher, but usually many patients do not tell their doctors about the embarrassment they have to go through, or how excessive sweating affects their daily activities.

This condition not only affects the armpit, but also other areas of the body, such as feet, hands, forehead. If the sweat remains concentrated in a single area, then it is called focal hyperhidrosis. It is also important to note that, Hyperhidrosis can also be triggered by other medical conditions such as Menopause, Diabetes, weight gain, gout, and overactive thyroid.        

Can excessive sweating be threatening?

Sweating/perspiration is a normal mechanism of the body, and we all do it, especially during the months of summer. But if someone feels like their sweat has become a problem, such as reluctance towards social gathering, carrying extra pair clothes all the time, and doing all the ordinary task, they should certainly go for a miradry treatment for sweat reduction. You can get in touch with the experts of Forever Medspa, to get the treatment done right.

How does this treatment work?

A miraDry session lasts approximately an hour from the beginning to the end. The patient is given local anesthesia to numb the targeted area. Then the area is marked by the professionals for accuracy. Afterwards, the experts use MiraDry technology for the treating which includes heat energy to remove the sweating glands from the underarm. Under the effect of local anesthesia, the patient does not feel any pain, but the patient can have a suction sensation during the treatment of the area.

After the procedure, the patient may experience some redness and swelling in the area for up to 15 days. It is not uncommon to experience slight discomfort for the patients. The doctors generally recommend taking over-the-counter pain medication to ease the symptoms. Moreover, it is also advised not to involve in moderate to intense physical activity for a few days.

What Can You Expect from Miradry Treatment?

The results of this treatment are permanent, which can be seen immediately. You can notice a great difference in your condition right after your miradry treatment, in this procedure the sweat and odor glands are removed from the underarm. Mostly 90% of patients get the desired results from the single treatment, while only 10% of patients are required to undergo a second MiraDry treatment to get desired results.

Is Miradry a safe treatment?

When people “removal of sweat glands” from the armpit, they usually start thinking if it is unhealthy and lead to any harmful consequences. However, it is better to note that most armpits contain only 2% of the sweat glands of the body. Hence, removing such a small amount of gland does not bother the body function of heat regulation.

If you are also pissed off with the condition, and looking forward to going for the treatment, then contact Forever Medspa today. 


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